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DUI Defense Attorney

– BBB-Accredited Law Firm
– Case Evaluation
– Quick Legal Solutions

Representation After DUI Charges

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in North Dakota, Heartland Law Office PC is here to help protect your license, finances and future. A DUI is a fairly straightforward criminal charge. If you were in control of the vehicle and over the legal blood alcohol limit, a dismissal or not guilty verdict is rare.

However, hiring an experienced attorney will get you the best possible result, returning your day-to-day life to normal as quickly as possible.

DUI Penalties in North Dakota

After a DUI in North Dakota, there are two sets of penalties:

  • Criminal penalties in the county where you received the DUI.
  • Penalties administered by the Department of Motor Vehicles, which can include suspension of your driver’s license.

There are two variables that can affect the severity of your punishment:

  • Whether or not you have previous DUI charges.
  • Whether or not you were over twice the legal limit (.16% where the legal limit
    is .08%)

If this is your first DUI charge and you were not over twice the legal limit, you can likely qualify for a work permit without a 24/7 testing program. While this testing does allow an individual convicted of a DUI to continue driving for work, it is inconvenient as well as expensive.

Initial Case Evaluation Available

If you’re unsure how your DUI charges can affect your life, contact Heartland Law Office right away for your initial case evaluation. DUI charges don’t just go away on their own. Schedule an appointment with Patrick Waters of Heartland Law Office to minimize the effects of these charges.

Emergency consultations are available. Se Habla Español!

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Trust an experienced attorney with a track record of winning.

(701) 587-8423

Call for a Case Evaluation

Trust an experienced attorney with a track record of winning.